Hey there! My name is Cameron Bishop Crowley.

I'm a current senior at Canegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, graduating December 2023.

I'm the first student at CMU to double major in Artificial Intelligence↗ and Music Technology↗.

I'm an ex-SWE intern at

This website is by me xoxoxo.
Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA)
Dec 2023
Bachelor of Science, Double Major in Artificial Intelligence and Music Technology
GPA: 3.70, Dean's List Fall 2022, Spring 2022
Selected Coursework:



AI Counterpoint
Spring 2022

Developed program that generates original Renaissance Counterpoint

Uses local search & simulated annealing to find musical passages with fewest number of harmony errors

Developed completely from scratch with no libraries, including a MIDI file (.mid) reader and writer.

Included in music with more than 10,000 streams on Spotify↗.

Detects over 30 different harmony errors such as parallel fifths, non-diatonic notes, and dissonant intervals.
Gesture Glove
Spring 2021

Developed MIDI-controller glove from scratch with Arduino.

Moving hand up/down, left/right, or twisting updates MIDI control change for each respective axis.

Flex sensors detect finger bending. User makes a fist to update CC values.

Connects wirelessly via BLE in Audio MIDI Setup (MacOS). No driver or extra software necessary.

LED light signals connection status, CC values, and finger positions.

Hand-sewn and soldered.

Inspired by Imogen Heap's MiMU gloves↗.
PARASOCIAL Spatial Audio Event
Fall 2021, Alumni Concert Hall, Carnegie Mellon University

Received $500 grant from Carnegie Mellon's STUDIO for Creative Inquiry↗ to create immersive, experimental listening event for original EP titled parasocial.

Created 12-speaker spatial audio arrangement.

Audio controlled in real-time with custom gesture-tracking glove↗.

Video created in collaboration with Olivia Cunnally↗ and Kristian Tchetchko↗.

Lighting and speakers in collaboration with Perry Naseck↗ and CMU's AB tech↗.
AR Filters

Developed several AR filters for Meta platforms and TikTok using Spark AR and TikTok Effect House.

Viewed over 4,000,000 times on TikTok.

Filters inspired by album artwork for original music↗.
Loop Station Audio Visualizer
Summer 2021

Created visual representation of Ableton Live loopers with Max/MSP/Jitter.

Pixelated circles float around screen, each one representing an audio looper.

Circles change shape with volume levels and change color with looper status (red for recording).

Depth of pixelation controlled by custom gesture-tracking glove↗.
Depth Sensor Music Video
Summer 2021

Created series of music videos using data from Xbox Kinect.

Based off of code from Daniel Shiffman↗.

Position of point cloud can be controlled by custom gesture-tracking glove↗.
PySynth Digital Syntheseizer
Fall 2019

Developed synthseizer application with Python using PyAudio as term project for 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science↗.

Includes 3 different oscillator shapes, volume and envelope controls, 16-step sequencer with 4 banks, preset saving, interactive help menu, and waveform visualizer.

Developed user interface with only solid polygons and text.
Programming Languages: Python, C, SQL, R, MATLAB, HTML/CSS

Tools: PyTorch, NumPy, Matplotlib, AWS, Jupyter, GitHub

Carnegie Mellon University, Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry↗
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Aug 2022—Present
Assisted Associate Director in development and execution of digital archival asset management including processing, description, arrangement and publication for scholarly use.

Handwritten Records↗
Recording Artist, Mar 2021—Present
Writes, produces, and promotes original music released under alias "Bishop Ivy."
Received over 3 million streams.
Featured in Rolling Stone↗, Flaunt Magazine↗, Clash↗, and more↗.
Featured on Spotify's Fresh Finds playlist (800,000 followers), Apple Music's New Music Daily playlist, and Amazon Music's Brand New Music, Breakthrough Indie, and Bedroom Pop playlists.

Wizard Radio↗
Radio Host, Sep 2018—May 2019
Wrote and recorded music playlists and commentary for bi-weekly show on Wizard Radio, the UK's most popular online teen radio station.
Reached up to 28,000 listeners per show.
cbcrowley [at] cmu [dot] edu